Endless Paradigm

Full Version: XMB Icon Changer
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How would i set up something like this? can anyone give me a full ist of instructions because i keep getting it wrong!
[Image: VSH.jpg]
Scrap that iv'e worked it out now, it seems if you swap the order the collums stay where they are i.e. if i put network update in slot 27 it would automatically move to photo although next to it says "system" but if i then change the collum on the camera icon, the network update moves collums!
also there is something about powersave settings that doesnot allow it to move collums i don't know if anyone else has this problem?
I can't get this to work. : ( Every single time, the PSP freezes.
yeah, it would be great if anyone can make this work for 3.51.
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