XMB customizations freaks!
But seriously this is a very interesting program.
all i want to change is the posistion of the clock and the battery and make the battery icon bigger.can anyone tell me please which of the boxes will change that.thanks.............sudeki300
p.s. i know that order number 6 is the clock but where do i find the one for the battery....
something what this app can't do ;p
has some issue though
bstronga Wrote:something what this app can't do ;p
has some issue though
bstronga Wrote:something what this app can't do ;p
has some issue though
That is sweet, what issues though?
Are you going to release that find to public?
the way i did it first has the issues:
-trying to bring up the infobar freezes the psp
-after clicking the usb connection, the reordered memstick icons are gone O.O
but there is another way to do it which fixes the above but brings up another
Ahh, that's got to suck
Well choose the way that benefits you the most i guess
Does it only include editing vshmain.prx (vsh.prx)?
(o Y o) Wrote:no you need to do a bit more then that othewise your game150 and iso and etc folders won't be recognized
Could you please explain how I can do that?
HELLO bstronga
can you post your system_plugin_fq. I need the busy icon bar is very cool.