Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PS3 features
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holy spoon duude, i own a pz3, itz nothing like the crappy old Xbox, it's so perfect that the only thing they could do to improve it right now is add in a bacon pizza dispenser.
Heartless141 Wrote:itz nothing like the crappy old Xbox

agreed. PS3 for the win

it will always rule, with its superior graphics and all around coolness. If you don't want one, then you don't actually know what a ps3 is, if you like xbox, then get a grip.

* Kana facepalms
Heartless141 Wrote:* Heartless141 facepalms

i put a lol there.

Grey Ghost Wrote:lol


So I was thinking about the new PSN move to compete against iTunes...........
man, i really want they to update the ps3 so that it can do this
Nah... I prefer booze more than that.
PS3 is better than xbox, and worse in some respects.

Better because:
> Higher quality graphics
> Uncharted 2
> It looks like a sandwich maker. (I happen to like sandwich makers)
> Free online MP
> Red Ring of Death? What's dat?

Worse because:
> Bluray takes an eternity to preload
> Upgrading internal memory not really possible
> Xbox is cheaper
> It's made by Sony, whose faggotry has only increased with the PSP Go.
> It demands high-def capability, I think. Xbox doesn't.

It's a very close call, but if I had the cash; PS3 would be my pick. Now all I need is NZ$800, and my life would be complete.
Silvertie Wrote:Worse because:

> Upgrading internal memory not really possible

Yeah it is.  I installed a 250 GB internal HDD in mine   Madwin
Honestly... this thread is for real?? O_o
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