Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2
These are two search tools I found fun to use.

Google Image Swirl

Details on Google Image Swirl

ok, that image swirl thing is cool Madwin

[edit] you can't search up HENTAI!!!!!!! NOOOOOOO!!!!!Ahh

I don't like that automatic spellfix lock.

[edit] the cube get's my Madwin
D: nice find :3
and u can't search hentai ???!! blasphemy!
[ReeD Wrote:]
D: nice find :3
and u can't search hentai ???!! blasphemy!

you can with the cube it's just I have no idea how to spin it, I've done it twice but that's it.
Both are nice gimmics but most likely doomed.
aspheric Wrote:
[ReeD Wrote:]
D: nice find :3
and u can't search hentai ???!! blasphemy!

you can with the cube it's just I have no idea how to spin it, I've done it twice but that's it.

arrow keys :3
[ReeD Wrote:]
aspheric Wrote:
[ReeD Wrote:]
D: nice find :3
and u can't search hentai ???!! blasphemy!

you can with the cube it's just I have no idea how to spin it, I've done it twice but that's it.

arrow keys :3

Ah! thank yous +rep for being smarter than me.Aha
thanks Nanana
just found it by hammering on my keyboard...
(I'm always doin it when im frustratedAhhyes)
Meh, between the two, I think the Image swirl is nicer.
I don't like the cube, because the pictures that they preview look really low res, and what you get back seems sort of sporadic.
Yeah, have been a number of these gimmicky search things around before.
Can't try as there's no Flash here...
Pages: 1 2
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