Endless Paradigm

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im buying one. or maybe two!
me too i think ill buy one for my dad
imma buy two, that way when im washing one, i can still be wearing one.
I'm in if it socially ...... fudge it, I'm in if it looks good :P and have EP on it :P
wow that's a great idea (♥_♥)

I will do personalised ones after I make the initial hoodies :)
what are wee looking at price wise?
Count me in! Then wee can see each other outside the \/oid...
Yes, give us some numbers, man. I would buy a EP Hoodie.
Which is funny, because I finished High School this year, had the chance to get a leaver's hoodie; which I turned down on the basis that it would be gay. (and I saw one, it was)

But this... I could roll with this.
Ok basically I think the cheapest I can find is like $35 :O I'm desperatley searching to find cheaper places Erk if anyone could help that would be great.
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