Endless Paradigm

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I'd buy this if it's less than $40 USD and cozy!!!!
Cafepress is the best place I could find Erk It's abit more expensive.


[Image: 418950951v9_150x150_Front_Color-Navy.jpg]
[Image: 418950948v4_150x150_Front_Color-Black.jpg]
[Image: 418950949v4_150x150_Front_Color-Black.jpg]

The zipped hoodie is the most expensive :S
wow, i really like the design, is there any chance of getting the name endlessparadigm under the logo?

£30 isn't too bad, it's about average for a designer hoodie
Thanks :) Half credit to [ReeD] of course :P

Yeh I'll put that into a version. I tried to make it as simple as, without being too simple ;)
i think it's a cool design, should be the favicon =P
Athankayouze :P

By the way as a side note, you can't print on the back of dark hoodies for some reason stupidpisdpsdispisdpsiddididididid. So I'm going to make a different version on a lighter hoodie in which peoples names/endlessparadigm.com can be printed.

Shame about that, i prefer dark clothes, but did want my username for funs sake :)

Ahh well, probably a Tee as i don't wear hoodies should be gotten by me soon...might ask for it as an Xmas pressie MadwinMadwin
Oi loike it.
will this be possible? of course looking better, i just made this in paint, but you get the idea

[Image: 6e2p9t.jpg]
I liek
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