Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New SOTW #6 - Vocaloid
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[Image: 14c9rw9.png]



i don't know anything about vocaloid...

i don't even know if im going to bother with this one, honestly.

eh, maybe.
well see
trademark91 Wrote:oshit!

i don't know anything about vocaloid...

i don't even know if im going to bother with this one, honestly.

eh, maybe.
well see

Here have fun...
while obviously i love the theme, isn't it a bit limited for those who don't know about vocaloid?

well, assistance to those who don't know bout em. here's a list of the characters you can use :P

all/almost all character have their trademark food/item, eg Miku is a leek, Rin & Len is a road roller. :P read to your relevant interest.

just noticed the sample image they used in the wiki is horrible, no where near the real illustration. you better off just use the name and danbooru him/her

oh, and there's different costume for a few certain songs,
eg: for miku.
Black Rock Shooter (she is NOT miku)
World is mine
Love is war/koi wa sensou.
and many more.
so yeah, quite a wide range from the look of it for me :P
trademark91 Wrote:oshit!

i don't know anything about vocaloid...

i don't even know if im going to bother with this one, honestly.

eh, maybe.
well see

I know what Vocaloid is, but that.
[Image: vocaloid.png]



might enter this one. As for rule one. Panty shots allowed? got to love them striped miku panties
by the way. thanks british for uploading all the walls other week.

yeah, just no Exposed Pussy (EP pun intended)
shimapan is one of her charm point :P
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