Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Freeplay's Go! Exploit Released
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Pages: 1 2 3
Sparker Wrote:http://forums.mformature.net/showthread.php?t=6583

Okay... <_<

Quote:from bro freeplay:
"Had this exploit not been patched, I would not have released anything. Ever. But since it was patched, there wasn't any point in keeping it private anymore."
i think he had a point!
vinrose67 Wrote:
Sparker Wrote:http://forums.mformature.net/showthread.php?t=6583

Okay... <_<

Quote:from bro freeplay:
"Had this exploit not been patched, I would not have released anything. Ever. But since it was patched, there wasn't any point in keeping it private anymore."
i think he had a point!

Me too. I think Mathielh made a little too much of this
You came in here talking about the damn logo...Why?
FreePlay closed his channel.
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