Endless Paradigm

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Wow. This is getting quite a few posts :D

Check these out. I want these shoes SO BADLY. I have sort of a converse fetish, its the only shoe that really appeals to me. Has been for a while now....
MoseZ Wrote:http://www.converse.com/?csid=423#/produ...lor/112425

Check these out. I want these shoes SO BADLY. I have sort of a converse fetish, its the only shoe that really appeals to me. Has been for a while now....

Now I feel like I belong.
I'm not the only one whose into shiny shoes If
Haha you always belong to the \/(0)ID, forever and always......

And I'm glad that I found someone that likes these too. I know they are $95, but I WILL get them. At some point, i will........
My Supras were 111.00 USD.
I noticed some shoes by converse can be custom colored and designed
[Image: 5mzl9x.jpg]

£20 airwalks, so comfortable for the price, i practically live in these shoes
yes, my camera on my phone sucks in a dark room
Funnybutrandom Wrote:[Image: 5mzl9x.jpg]

£20 airwalks, so comfortable for the price, i practically live in these shoes

what game is on the floor? Hihi
Some Off the Walls...nothing special, but comfy, and i like brown shoes

[Image: FWt3t.jpg]

Really grubby mind, i live in them :P
yeah, you can make your own converse. i did at one point, but they fell apart because i skated in them... (bad idea)

i like these: http://www.converse.com/?csid=423#/produ...lor/112076

they used to have a model that looked like the british flag and said the who. i liked those a lot. but naow i can't find them :(
I always wear dress shoes.   lol    
I just feel comfortable in them.

[Image: 2wlrku0.jpg]
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