Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Assassin's Creed II
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Pages: 1 2
anyone getting it? I'm trading in all i have for it. goddamn.
coming out here this friday.
looks pretty cool...
Is getting the game. I can pick it up later today.
:( damn you all
it's been out here for 13 hours and 14 minutes, lol.
I has nao...
i hate this country...
Like my friend EagleJack once said. Treat a game like a woman, concentrate on one then move on to the other.
Right now I am on L4D2
umm no, i shall not give up on my dream of a perfect harem :P
Heartless141 Wrote:i hate this country...

oi! watch it...........

but yea nz is always last to get stuff Sadist
Pages: 1 2
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