roberth Wrote:Because they ruined vampires
No one will ever be able to take them seriously again...
perfectly states my opinion.
Xither. have you even voted?
wait... do you really mean there are SPARKLING VAMPIRES?
If there are theres no way in hell I'm watching it.
I'll stick to watching Interview with a Vampire... loved that film ^_^
yup, those vampires don't burn in sunlight, they sparkle. and think of that as a bad thing.
by the way MSN or Shoutbox right now, i need some help sensei!
Sparkling vampires, lol w
Heartless141 Wrote:yup, those vampires don't burn in sunlight, they sparkle. and think of that as a bad thing.
major double you tee eff. do not want.
lol sparkling vampire, do they shine because of sunblock lotion?
well this twilight series ruined what Bram Stalker's vampire idea is all about