Endless Paradigm

Full Version: USB Connection not working
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So, I plug in my new PSP to the PC, but nothing happens. It doesn't even go to "Please Wait", it says "Connect a USB cable." And the PC acts as though nothing's connected. Why?
faulty cable?

make sure you have a MemStick in v_v'
Senseito7 Wrote:faulty cable?

make sure you have a MemStick in v_v'

A) It's not a faulty cable, everything else, even my old PSP, has the connection working fine. My new PSP, I connect the cable, and it acts like I didn't connect anything.

B) There is a MemStick in it.
Might want to reflash your reformat your Flash1 in the recovery menu or if that doesn't work reflash your firmware.
Senseito7 Wrote:faulty cable?

That sounds a lot like a faulty cable. Definately sure?

yammata684 Wrote:Might want to reflash your reformat your Flash1 in the recovery menu or if that doesn't work reflash your firmware.

If you've triad all of the above the actual USB connector on the PSP might be damaged. Have a look at it with a torch and a magnifying glass to see if all the pins are in place. If it is damages it's unlikely you'll be able to repair it without opening up the PSP and replacing the connector. It might be best to send it off to Sony if that's the case...
I tried reflashing my Flash1, but it didn't work. And I had to reflash my firmware many times when my PSP decided to go straight to a Time Machine firmware (which I fixed by deleting Time Machine), and the problem is still there.

EDIT: Luckily I just bought it today, so I can go to Gamestop and have them get me another one.
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