16/11/2009, 08:41 AM
16/11/2009, 08:49 AM
Dragon Ball For the win!!!
16/11/2009, 05:05 PM
I've never seen a single episode of Bleach in my life, Naruto on the other, well I saw a dubbed episode on TV while I was really bored, it was alright but also it was kinda stupid and Naruto has the worse voice ever dubbed.
16/11/2009, 05:11 PM
Silvertie Wrote:Joomla has point; big sharp motherhumping point.
The more mainstream anime are bloated. In their desire to milk it for as much as they can, they over-extend it. And wee all know what happens to things that over-extend; they break, collapsing into a pile less than the original.
Cases in point, Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, Bleach (although that's only just gotten there) and Pokemon.
My rule of thumb: If I know more than 50 14-year olds all but jizz in their pants over it, I don't want to see it. The age group can alter depending on what it is. (Example, that "Jizz in my pants" song; I hate it with a passion, simply because of the "x > 50" rule; also it's a stupid song)
Chaos Panda Wrote:Dragon Ball For the win!!!