Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Phone RANT!!!
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I have to vent somewhere since I'm getting a tiny bit angry....

Well someone offered me a iPhone3G 8GB for 270€ + my G1.

I happily agreed and he said wee can meet in the city yesterday to make the deal.

Well he called me yesterday and said he has to work longer and wee have to postpone it till 9pm.... okay I agreed... he called me again and said it will be 11pm.... I said scratch that just meet me tomorrow.... he said ok and that he will call me 1pm today....

1pm passed and he didn't phoned me so I phoned him but another guy picked up and said the guy with the iPhone left his mobile his mobile in his car and that he will call me this evening.....

are you paying 270 or is he giving you 270?

In USA on ebay unlocked G1 going for about $150...unlocked iphone 3g over $300...
I'm giving:


I get:

iPhone 3G 8GB

and still not a single word from him... 3pm...
SkyDX Wrote:I'm giving:


I get:

iPhone 3G 8GB

Seriously don't think that's worth it, but if you really really want one...
well I want to get rid of the G! anyway and 270€is cheaper then eBay...

Sounds strange.    Not sure why you are so irate though...  
You haven't paid him yet have you?

If you haven't paid him yet - then that's good.
Maybe he got caught up in something?
No I haven't paid anything yet but getting the G1 was a big mistake and I'm this «> close to fix it that's why I am so irritated...
I can't stand selling spoon to people IRL...
Well I can't really stand it either, especially if people guaranteed that they will sell something and then some random nonsense comes up like here.
If he atleast would clearly tell me that he's not gonna do it, fine! Just don't leave me hanging in the air...
Next thing you know, he's gonna say "Just send it to me, I'll pay you soon...".

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