Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Theme] resident evil and blue girl
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yo :mdr: im not the creator of this but i have relinked (sorry or bad english)
so  blue girl (my actualy theme I'm the one how make de background and i have also found another impose_plugin.rco  ):  
[Image: screen1xb0.png]
the original top menu :

and her resident evil
i have found it here http://www1.k-rent.net
[Image: 10021523328zy3.png]
but its not completed and (Inluvi love resident evil ) so if some one can give me a link of resident evil theme :mdr: thanks
i hope you like it (and sorry for bad english)
Cool icons.
thank you freind
oh that's wicked i love R.E :great:
thanks you
this was my 1st time seeing a chinese text
can someone load the resident evil theme up for us cause i could read the web page with the link thanks any upload space will do thanks again in advance.....:)
I love the Re one, that the best Re theme i have ever seen :great:
nomatter Wrote:can someone load the resident evil theme up for us cause i could read the web page with the link thanks any upload space will do thanks again in advance.....:)

the background   [Image: 103fw9.png] :mdr:
and there another one link but chinese http://www1.k-rent.net/pspdensuke/mini/t...977217/l50
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