Endless Paradigm

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Rcomage is an awesome tool! Adore

I just compiled system_plugin_fg.rco to animate some icons and it was amazing!!

Now I'm trying to animate main icons. Which rcos should I edit?

Please help~ Nanana
u can't animate main icons though....I tried fro like 10 years and nothing :( unless anyone else come up with a good script?
i tried too,. i planed the main icons in topmenu_plugin.rco but could only rezise all icons and text(intire main xmb),.

maybe if .gif format was suported with a plugin or something,.>?>?
Unfortunately nothing really to reference the icon objects from an animation sequence I think.  Closest you could probably get is sticking icon-like things in the background or something...
Thank you for answering my question. Nod
A little disappointed, but I believe that someday it would be possible. Madwin
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