Endless Paradigm

Full Version: YouTube can really suck
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TUXi Wrote:Stage 6? What's that?

@Joomla: Oh gosh, good to hear. Well, it's actually bad, but now I can blame Youtube instead. I've been fiddeling with that for months :-(


"In June 2008, CNET hailed Stage6 as one of the greatest defunct websites in history."

Its true, it was truly awesome..
double you tee eff is up with all these ads on youtube now? It is turning into veoh!
Before Stage 6 shut down it was hacked by 4Chan where the infamous quote "4chin SUCK" came from.
Hellgiver Wrote:double you tee eff is up with all these ads on youtube now? It is turning into veoh!

Adblock doesn't work?
Or is this like in-video ads?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Adblock doesn't work?
Or is this like in-video ads?

in-video ads. I'm seeing it in multiple videos. Some start with an ad, then go to the actual video, and others are having the little ad tab pop up from the bottom of the video, so you can't see anything on the bottom and HAVE to close the ad tab. It isn't like a popup window.
And now there's this wmg bullchocolate. Youtube is really annoying me now.

example:  No audio. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wmKOS1kdy4
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