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My psp fudge up .

LoL yesterday i installed the homebrew RemoteJoy and i tried to follow the readme . But it phails and i almost give up .
Today i play my iso and it screw up .
Can't hear the game sound , can't press home , can't load certain game .
I was fudge up and i tot of dwngrade back to 3.30oe but i tink off 1 method .
Disable the remotejoy and psplink prx  .And it fudgeing works .
lucky lol
thatz ok then
Lol, generally don't play with things until:
1) Many people have used them
2) You fully understand what you're doing :P

Lucky for you though!
i almost did something like this.i had a pure black screen and i couldn't reset my psp for a while even with the battery out of the thing and yet i still got it to reboot... now that's lucky for me...
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