Hell yes, gunning down innocents with a heavy machinegun. The best targets are the ones that can't fight back.
But in RL, big nono.
Also, this whole level looks scripted to me. Your buddies are fixed constants, killing most civs on their own, and all units that can fight back, so sitting out of it is totally possible.
I do agree with the just a game arguement, but still, i actually would say this is a step to far
Its not that theres anything wrong with it morally, i don't think its gonna cause any problems in terms of people shooting up the world (though ive no doubt it will be cited millions of times as an excuse), but i think that sometimes, things are done in bad taste, and this is one of them
god this world fucking sucks. Why can't a game be just that anymore, a GAME?
rm -f xitherun.sh Wrote:god this world fucking sucks. Why can't a game be just that anymore, a GAME?
can i get a HALLELUJAH
No one here would deny that a game is a game
But it can still be tasteless
a tastelessness they have taken into account, hence the warning when you first boot the game. if you choose to view it and are offended by it you only have yourself to blame.
yall need to stop whining and get ME a copy
* boogschd runs!
I skipped the level after playing it for one minute, I know it's only a game but there's stuff I just don't want to do, game or not
I don't play CoD anyway, so that warning is invalid as i won't see it or the game.
Im not even saying its wrong, in context it might have meaning in regards to the story, however as standalone piece of work, which is what its portrayed as is, i stand by my point
Still, this is a pointless argument, not that its even one, because it was supposed to encourgae this kind of discussion, and in that way i guess i must say it was very well done, and completely the opposite of what im saying :o