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Computer-Choppers has unveiled a sneak peak at its PS3 Slim dripped in 24kt GOLD. They are producing five of these decadent units and are available on an enquiry basis for the time being.

[Image: ps33333_copy5.jpg]

Computer-Choppers has given us a little sneak peak at their latest creation – a PS3 Slim dipped in 24kt gold. This console is one of 5 limited edition units being produced. If you thought the Colorware version of the PS3 Slim knocked your socks off then this will blow your mind. If you want to have your very own PS3 Slim chunk of gold at home you’ll have to email Computer-Choppers to inquire. Expect to see more images on the site soon as they are putting the final touches on the release.

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I wonder if this makes the console produce less heat... hmm...
I can't see the image at school but when I saw the gold PSP long back it looked pretty ugly to me.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:I wonder if this makes the console produce less heat... hmm...

Won't produce less heat, but will probably help disperse the heat faster.

Gold transmits heat way better than plastic or most other metals for that matter.
think about how heavy it gonna be... and no, no way in hell i gonna use those gold controller.
rofl, good thing they didn't make a gold 360. It would melt when it got to somewhat intense gaming.
yea i don't think id touch it. its a bit over the top.
I wonder how much "Cash4Gold" would give me for that?  I could really use the money...
The price on that PS3 must make a normal PS3 look like a 'borrow'!
I don't think its pure gold ppl. this is still plastic with gold in the outside. weight would be thesame. like gold emblum for cars or dipped rings in gold. the controller would eventually fade and show the plastic due to wear. they could also use gold foils to cover it. so this is just for show not to be use.
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