Well, I give up... it's gone... someone threw it away or something. It is never coming back...
hahahaha, it's mine for ever
man that sucks
Guest Wrote: [ -> ]NAW.
haha what
lol, funny coincidence, I saw this thread a few days ago and was going to bump it to ask Hellgiver if he had found his iPod.
Ever find your iPod Hellgiver?
Wonder if he moved on.
.............. lol.
Did ya find it?
yeah its been a few years, did you ever find your ipod??
Joomla12 Wrote: [ -> ]When someone texts me, it makes a little "ding" noise.
Dude, didn't he say it was just an IPod, not an IPhone? DUHH.
You Can text On Your IPod
I can't text on my ipod though.