Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Rick Astley infects hacked iPhones
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Pages: 1 2
Lol someone at apple should distribute it to non-jailbreaker iphone so that they can experience it also, lol
Sparker Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:too bad it only affects jailbroken phones. id like to see my mom get this bug.

I'd want to see everyone at my school get this bug.

if you have public wifi at school do some port scans for open port 22 if you find one log in as root - alpine then you can change the lockscreen image and pretty much full up brick their phone if you wanted :P
Hmm... still, I wish I had an iPhone...
woah... This is bad news... really bad news. Not that it could turn into something worse, I mean... How can anything be worse than Rick Astley.

anybody know how i can get this on my friends iPhone ? [Image: e349677.gif]
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