Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Dragon Age: Origins
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Anyone has it yet??? My pre-order (PS3) comes in a weeks time.....

Anyone interested in this?
feinicks Wrote:Anyone has it yet??? My pre-order (PS3) comes in a weeks time.....

Anyone interested in this?

I got it on PC and it's pretty damn awesome.
Yeah... I read in Gamespot that the PS3 version has some bugs and that the PC version is absolutely a beauty... too bad I had it ordered for a long time back.
feinicks Wrote:Yeah... I read in Gamespot that the PS3 version has some bugs and that the PC version is absolutely a beauty... too bad I had it ordered for a long time back.

Now if only I could get a decent framerate while playing...
Saw it in steam for €50.


No thanks v.v

even as good as it looks,.
Played on the the PC,. but its Puke maybe if you want to go play like over 1000+ hours,..

gameplay was't to my liking,.. graphics aint that good either,.. quickly removed the game,..

boring and dull,..
Still downloading the DLC before i start, got the PC version, and with it being Bioware i have very high hopes
it's a bioware game, so expect to play it for months (baldur's gate/neverwinter nights/kotor/mass effect series)
i have a ps3 CE copy, did not open yet.
hecaitomix Wrote:it's a bioware game, so expect to play it for months (baldur's gate/neverwinter nights/kotor/mass effect series)


If you haven't played/liked those games (minus ME), then you won't like DAO... I'm still waiting for my copy.... :(
i would get this, but it won't run on linux.
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