Okay, I've managed to narrow it down slightly. For some reason, I can't send anything out on port 25. Can send to SMTP servers not on port 25. Appears the TCP connection is just being dropped. Since I didn't change anything recently, I suspect the host. I'll ask them and see what they say.
Host claims they don't block it. Showed them it doesn't work, and they said they'd check with the datacentre.
Quote:I just received an email from the data center, they informed me that they enforced a policy that all outgoing mailservers must have a registered rdns name with them. The information I would need from you is the rdns name and the intended use of the mail server. Once I have this information I can register your server with them.
Urgh, I'll go through it a little later...
Guess the system means they have to worry less about sPa/\/\ - damn buggers >_>
thanks zinga :P just got a horde of emails in my inbox.
Long live the void.
Looks like they just removed the block. Lol, and if wee get blocked again for spamming out a lot of deferred emails in this short session...
Glad it's fixed and thanks again for reporting.
yea thanks zinga! got like 100 or so emails flood in today... problem solved!
hey zinga, i think it got blocked again =|
Probably the server move >_> If they're forcing DNS reverse mapping, I'm going to have to update that T_T
(or maybe I stuffed up the MX records)
Thanks, I'll see what I can do when I get home.
Heartless141 Wrote:hey zinga, i think it got blocked again =|
you too? yea im not getting anything.