Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
Anyone down?
i think V1 plays it.
nop for me, i have had enough of shooters
Runs like spoon on my PC for some reason...
Well, balls.

You guys all suck on chocolate fudge.
If your computer runs it, I hope you die in a fiery fire.
Xitherun Wrote:If your computer runs it, I hope you die in a fiery fire.

On lowest resi with highest settings, yes. Any other resi and it runs like spoon.
die in a fiery fire.
Xitherun Wrote:die in a fiery fire.

Don't you mean "firery?"
Xitherun Wrote:die in a fiery fire.

You're on integrated HD3200 right?  (I think I remember you saying that somewhere).

Can try overlcoking it.  It overclocks like a beast.

I'm on a nVidia 7150m, integrated. D:
Pages: 1 2 3
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