Is it still worth it today>?
I know I should have gotten it before but I never did.
I know how fun TF2 is and I know how many awards and spoon the HL2 + episodes got.
is it still worth buying today?
yeah, half life 2 is still fun to play, portal has loads of custom made maps as well as being as epic as it ever was, and you mentioned TF2 yourself
Orange Box will always be a good deal, although whether or not Steam is the best place to get it at the moment is debatable, i know Eastern Europeans are getting the short end of the stick, and its pretty cheap from most online stores
I can get it from my local shop for PHP1400 which is around USD$29.5
That's practically the same price as steam.
hmm...around here its going for about £15 now, i guess it hasn't devaluated as well over there then :S
I got it for $20, which is the price of TF2 alone.
Well it really isn't that much of a difference.
Because it's a christmas gift. I am saving money so this is a gift to me.
I just won't get it till late december :(
Orange Box is worth it.
Half Life is amazing, portal..amusing, and TF2 is fun.
Plus its cheap. I picked up my copy for like 20 USD I believe.