- There are no plans to restart any of the regular competitions at this point - including SOTW, AOTF and SOTF.
- SOTW & Battles has been archived and locked however it's still available to browse.
- The Graphics forums are being cleaned up, updated.
- Grey Ghost is the new leader of Fractal Insanity, of whom have a new team list (seen below) consisting of only active members and are also welcoming their new member Vacui_Natale.
- The DreamArts Recruitment Thread has been updated. New Fractal Insanity Recruitment Thread Coming Soon.
- World End Design is no more primarily due to lacking the required minimum of 4 active members and a leader MIA.
- The Graphics forums are being cleaned up, updated - most recently the Battles thread has been brought up to date and a new Records thread started. With two battles already underway this part is swinging once again!
- There are no plans to restart any of the regular competitions at this point - including SOTW, AOTF and SOTF.
- Due to the two currently active teams practically maxing out active graphics members at the moment, plans to allow a third team to be created have been scrapped.