I've read omamori himori manga, decent potentials.
hidden god is supposed to be good if you watched hirugashi.
soranowoto, I'm having this K-on dejavu
katanagatari (i think it means The Katana's story) interesting art style I'll give it a go
DRRR and qwaser give me the D-grayman vibe
a few obvious crapload of chocolates, not worth mentioning
Heartless141 Wrote:v1, in place of quantity , wee have a few with great quality here.
No, more like because of incomplete list. It's too early.
that's what the "v1" there's for. may be i didn't make my point clear :p
Dance in the Vampire Bund (yay for SHAFT!), Katanagari and Hidden God look like YES.
Thanks for posting Heartless <3
Chu-bra sounds like my kind of comedy as well :P
Ill be watching Hidden God, Omamori Himari and Chu-Bra for the lols
ProperBritish Wrote:Ill be watching Hidden God, Omamori Himari and Chu-Bra for the lols
now that you mention it, Omamori Himari does look cute!!
im thinking about giving So.Ra.No.Wo.To a go too, war + music could make for a weird combination. whether that's good or bad... ill have to find out.
well I'll admit, omamori himari is a good ecchi anime.
minor spoiler + guaranteed worth watching:
that, if they arn't gonna censor all the sauce
well I'm not guarantee you will get the same poo poo in the anime, with all the censorship.
that's why manga is always gooooooood