Endless Paradigm

Full Version: I found This funny Picture!
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One of those China men set a baby on fire last night to try and raise an alpaca spirit...
Jdlyons89 Wrote:Stupid Souless Chinese Jerks! there going to burn in hell! my dad told me that they don't even believe in god! Can you believe that!?
If I believed in hell.  Do you believe that?
Hooray! Blanky!
Joomla12 Wrote:Quite....

One of those China men set a baby on fire last night to try and raise an alpaca spirit...

Jdlyons89 Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:It's clearly a case where the lolcats have invaded his "Pictures" folder.  It's an absolute disaster I know.  Only way to save him is to stick Pikachoos in the "Videos" folder to lure them away.

where do i get those pikachoos?
From ze Pokerballs.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
Jdlyons89 Wrote:
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:It's clearly a case where the lolcats have invaded his "Pictures" folder.  It's an absolute disaster I know.  Only way to save him is to stick Pikachoos in the "Videos" folder to lure them away.

where do i get those pikachoos?
From ze Pokerballs.

What's a pokerball? is that another one of those chinese cartoons? Digimon or something?
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