Endless Paradigm

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Obviously wee all knew it was coming, that's never been a secret. But after the lackluste uptake, and performance of DirectX10, have microsoft pulled out the plugs on their gaming API this time??
Source: YouTube

I don't know how many of you ever played a game with real DX10 support, Bioshock perhaps, and compared it to the DX9 version, but after upgrading to Win7 from XP i got a direct look at the difference. And it has nothing on these changes. I don't know how far you watched in the video, or if you even did at all, but those changes are phenominal from an immersive perspective. Does any one here care enough to buy a DX11 card, or plan to buy a DX11 card? If games take advantage of DX11 the way that Unigine has done in that video, i think its a fair bet to say they'll be worth the money
10-11!! ;P

I am guessing the bump maps are refined,. looks awesome!! i prob def will buy a directx 11 graphics card,.. but will prob be 1 year away before games will go directx 11>?
Theres rumors Bioshock 2 will use DX11, although admittedly its probably more hope than speculation

Either way, the 5850 looks to be a stunning card, and im planning to get one as soon after xmas as is humanely possible, especially if i can find a sale on one :D
wow that's fudgeing amazing. MS has done a great job this time around.

Gives a good reason to keep an eye on the PC gaming platform.
Haha wow. If only I had a PC that could handle that spoon.
That looks nice.
holy spoon, that is so fudgeing awsome.

* Grey Ghost must find himself a new computer to take full advantage of this
that's epic. i want to get one of these
I need that on my computer (^_^)
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