Saw that someone had corrupted most of their brushes the other day so I decided I'd upload what I have on my laptop. If ya want the rest from my comp back home just hit me up.
having trouble with the upload. SORRY

xD good job
i hope these are up soon
i never use custom brushes. ever.
times are a changin'
that was me with the problem, but I've managed to locate about 90% of the brushes and redownload them, the other 10% got scrapped because they were ones I really didn't use much anyways.
for those who want some good photoshop brushes, look here:
ive been having a weird idea for some signatures. Almost like a secret santa and on christmas wee all will post our secret santas sig up for them.
Just have each person fill out a quick survey
Favorite Color(s)
gaming system
game/movie/cartoon characters
and other things like that.
what do you all think?
to Xitherun. is your tag supposed to say a pointsettia in posion rain or "a pointsettia in poison rain"?
Demix. Wrote:ive been having a weird idea for some signatures. Almost like a secret santa and on christmas wee all will post our secret santas sig up for them.
Just have each person fill out a quick survey
Favorite Color(s)
gaming system
game/movie/cartoon characters
and other things like that.
what do you all think?
interesting idea, but I'm not completely sure it would work.
that's why i propose it bout 2 months ahead lol. wee have some time to check interest on it.