do you think there will ever be a graphics thing without an anime theme?
im getting kinda sick of people always using anime, because its always like, well, why even bother trying, because anime always wins...
ploz don't flame me...
lol, probly never. anime is to epic and suits graphics well
yeah, but it takes away a lot of the originality of design. everyones making graphical ideas of someone elses concept.
But its a fairly central theme behind EP
The users like Anime, and that's reflected in there work and the votes, that's just a fact of life
Don't let it detract from the value of your work, and don't assume it detracts from the value of theirs
Wee have done SOTW's in the past with RL concepts, and the turnout hasn't been that great
Why not have a battle with someone and specify that in the rules
that's actually why i deviated from my usual anime style on SOTW no.1
and it got no votes. even though i thought it turned out really well
You can't really do anything about that. Like 80% of the graphics people are anime fans here, can't really beat them.
AND people should be voting based on artistic talent, not based on if they like anime or not. But you know, like a lot of things in the world, "should" does not equate to reality.
Assassinator Wrote:You can't really do anything about that. Like 80% of the graphics people are anime fans here, can't really beat them.
AND people should be voting based on artistic talent, not based on if they like anime or not. But you know, like a lot of things in the world, "should" does not equate to reality.
lol, like i said, i was just wondering...

you never know what ideas I might come up with for the SOTW.....heh heh heh...