Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Black Rock Shooter
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Do not kill me if i got this kanji wrong
I know i failed it,
I got the translation from here http://www.wikiled.com and wrote it in

if i got it wrong please someone tell me and ill change it asap*
[Image: zu5en5.png]
black rock shooter is actually originally spelled in english.
perfect spelling would be BLACK★ROCK SHOOTER
and that's just miku, not B★RS.

awesome nonetheless.
rukia, every graphic i see from you is pure awesomesauce...

yup black rock shooter is in english on the supercell cd case cause im looking at it.... with the star thing like heartless said.... its a few pictures away from the one im using as an avatar in the cd jacket
in romanji id write it as buraku raku shiyuta.. i don't know much but i know that's works betters as translating into kana..  blah i don't know what im talking about

i wish i was as skillled in art as you... did you do that with a tablet?
Azumi Wrote:i wish i was as skillled in art as you... did you do that with a tablet?

Wee all have our areas of expertise. Hers is Art. Yours is .. you know better.
mmm thank's
trademark91 Wrote:rukia, every graphic i see from you is pure awesomesauce...

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