Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Are you sure you want to exit?
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I'm sure you've had applications which ask you to confirm whether you really wanted to close the thing down (note, not talking about those "do you want to save" type dialogs, just ones where it asks you because the app writer thought the app was so awesome that you probably don't want to exit it).

Have you actually ever answered No to such a question?
What apps actually do that?
Quite a few.  Off the top of my memory, Hamachi (by default; unless you untick the option), nLite and a number of smaller applications.
Do you really want to exit this program

[fight] [pokemon]
[bag] [run]
Alt.Binz does it in default behaviour
As does Eclipse

ITs not even as though the exit button is in an easy to press location (although admittedly with A.B you might have meant to press minimise, with it being a  background app...suppose that's why hamachi does it as well?)
Rukia Wrote:Do you really want to exit this program

[fight] [pokemon]
[bag] [run]

well sometimes.
like if i was trying to minimize, but hit [ x ]
my phone has a box that says "your phone will now shut down". then below it is [OK] [Cancel]
Well honestly it helps me from accidentaly press the X button. Many times i have quited app i don't want to...
But it bothers me sometime.
I use the option in kiki's uce (hacking program) a lot...

because I click the x by mistake switching windows a lot and I don't want to lose all my found addresses
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