Senseito7 Wrote:I seriously want it. I seriously, seriously want it.
Problem: I don't have a PS3 so I'll only be able to get the PSP one @_@

same. saving though. i want the ps3 mainly for the upcoming final fantasy
Demix. Wrote:Senseito7 Wrote:I seriously want it. I seriously, seriously want it.
Problem: I don't have a PS3 so I'll only be able to get the PSP one @_@
same. saving though. i want the ps3 mainly for the upcoming final fantasy
Yes, FFXIII, GT5 and Tekken 6 are my the ones I reeeeally want ^^
is it bad if i want flower too? the capabilities of the machine are just amazing.
flower is the best thing I've ever experienced. there's nothing wrong about that.
Flower and Star Ocean 4 sounds awesome......... PS3 For the win xD
*looks forward to Xmas LOL*
you guys forgot Tales of Vesperia. :)
Heartless141 Wrote:you guys forgot Tales of Vesperia. :)