Heartless141 Wrote:lol everyone is going miku.
and omg Rukia, i just noticed -.- you don't want to know the real form of your stock.
? why from some hentai/doushinji ? thing im guessing i just googled lols
Heartless141 Wrote:nop, a song.
^^that is thoroughly disturbing...
its acctualy rather clever if you ask me
i don't find it disturbing in anyway,
nop, a bit creepy, but that's what it should be anyway.
for copypasta convenience:
i specifically don't like putting my name on sigs -.-
<<< i mean, i have a giant user name over there, why would i need another one lol -.-
Heartless141 Wrote:<<< i mean, i have a giant user name over there, why would i need another one lol -.-
Answer: Because its your signature. It would be called a Banner or Image under Post otherwise. :P