Endless Paradigm

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trademark91 Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:
Tetris999 Wrote:
boogschd Wrote:/wants the stock :/

and tetris delivers, because I'm pro like that Hero Hihi Nanana

[Image: 0811adbcda8ad76261db815.jpg]

fast as fudge?

did you use a reverse image search engine?

<3 Miku!

well, you didnt do much to it...

but i agree. that sig is epiclly awesome.

lol, hence why:

- My Name Aint On It..
- I Never Posted a Thread for it..

I haz respect for mai sauce.
fair enough
Heartless141 Wrote:that's the point, the whole uniqueness.
i just hate that 80% people listen to vocaloid i met is because "she's hot" -,-

vocaloid is good

miku being mildly attractive is just a bonus,
ProperBritish Wrote:vocaloid is good

miku being mildly attractive is just a bonus,


do I look like someone who'd put someone whos MILDLY attractive in their sig?

ima slap you for that xD

For those who have PSPs, play "Miku Hatsune Project DIVA" - you get to see her and play her songs rythmn style :D
lawl @ sensei
Senseito7 Wrote:do I look like someone who'd put someone whos MILDLY attractive in their sig?

=O you do

Heartless141 Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:do I look like someone who'd put someone whos MILDLY attractive in their sig?

=O you do


gomenasai Emptyone

i didnt want to sound out of control otaku about it, but now i know i can express myself fully

daymn she smokin' hot

also, project DiVA = epic game
Senseito7 Wrote:
ProperBritish Wrote:vocaloid is good

miku being mildly attractive is just a bonus,


do I look like someone who'd put someone whos MILDLY attractive in their sig?

ima slap you for that xD

For those who have PSPs, play "Miku Hatsune Project DIVA" - you get to see her and play her songs rythmn style :D

i sense a bit of 'otaku rage' there LOL..
just letting you know im making a wallpaper out that for my psp..
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