it's me again, and well, same question, does anyone know a tool to convert 1080p FLAC to whatever for PS3? i used MKV2vob before but it doesn't support FLAC. -.-
( ´∀`)
Then just convert the audio to something else. (I assume your tool doesn't actually do any re-encoding)
Get MKVMergeGUI and MKVExtractGUI, open MKV in latter, extract audio track, encode to AAC, then create new MKV with old MKV + encoded audio track, minus the FLAC track, and use that.
yeah it was the only way i could think of, and now I'm trying to avoid it. /= no dice?
Why are you trying to avoid it? It's not terribly difficult.
1. Download said applications
2. Open MKVExtractGUI
3. Drag MKV into MKVExtractGUI
4. Select audio stream
5. Click Extract and extract somewhere
6. Covert FLAC file
7. Open MKVMergeGUI
8. Drag in MKV
9. Drag in converted audio track
10. Untick original audio track
11. Make MKV
Or did you want a one-click-does-all thing? If so, see if something like Xvid4psp converts it for you.
Meh, 1.3GB per episode for a show which is mostly talking and still scenes... Way overkill much?
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Why are you trying to avoid it? It's not terribly difficult.
1. Download said applications
2. Open MKVExtractGUI
3. Drag MKV into MKVExtractGUI
4. Select audio stream
5. Click Extract and extract somewhere
6. Covert FLAC file
7. Open MKVMergeGUI
8. Drag in MKV
9. Drag in converted audio track
10. Untick original audio track
11. Make MKV
Or did you want a one-click-does-all thing? If so, see if something like Xvid4psp converts it for you.
Only if the h.264 stream is PS3 compatible, which it may not be, if they use too many ref frames or if the bitrate spikes too much in some areas. MP4 probably a safer bet. (Does MKV even work on PS3?)
Anyway, try that, if it doesn't work, re-encode the whole thing.
Wait, actually, being anime in MKV, it IS going to be softsubbed, so you'll have to re-encode the whole thing whichever way, simply re-muxing won't work.
Mkv2Vob support hardcoding sub in, and that's another conversion, -.- so like... 3 conversions each -.-
Heartless141 Wrote:Mkv2Vob support hardcoding sub in, and that's another conversion, -.- so like... 3 conversions each -.-
Encoding the thing 3 times over sounds terribly inefficient....
Or you can just do it manually like me and zinga lol.
3? Convert video, then convert audio. That's actually just 1. Most converters just do the two together, but it's the same thing...
If it's encoding, then check if your app is relying on codecs, and if so, ensure that you have a FLAC codec installed.
EDIT: oh, it's just a remuxer, but can encode if there's subs
But it says SRT; most anime is soft-subbed with donkey. Sure it'll work?
convert the audio to something work with Mkv2vob. > hardcode the sub in > convert to AVI, MP4 etc
and i have no knowledge in doing it manually, so i guess I'll have to go through all the trouble then. =/
Heartless141 Wrote:convert the audio to something work with Mkv2vob. > hardcode the sub in > convert to AVI, MP4 etc
The last step appears to be redundant, unless it's a mux.
Can't you just use another converter which _does_ support FLAC?