Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Jappanesse hermits
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A Japanese hermit some times refers to a Japanese person who refuse to leave their rooms for years mostly its just internet addicts that can't control themselves mostly because wee have the worlds fastest connection on earth(♥_♥)

I was wondering if people in america are like this as well? (o_O)

[Image: hermitcr.jpg]
I'm the biggest one around here.
Years... O_O
Don't know, I'm guessing there are some around here lol
Something like a Hikikomori? lol
I'm a Hikikiomori which is similar/the same thing I am one of the biggest ones around here, probably could've been the biggest if it weren't for school.
you go to school sparker, you are not :p
Heartless141 Wrote:引きこもり~
I'm the biggest one around here.

its ok sometimes I stay all day in my room without seeing my family
one time I did not see my dad for 4 days even though I heard his voice

bingo! yah lol I forgot the word (>_<) Hikikomori

Source: YouTube
Heartless141 Wrote:you go to school sparker, you are not :p

Yeah, I know, but on weekends and holidays I spend all my time at home.
i fear sun shine, i really really do~
I love being outside in the dark it makes me want to dance and sing because no one can hear me (*O*)
You guys are weird.
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