Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [Release] Homebrew Sorter GUI B2
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Homebrew Dev Valentin has release his mod of the handy organization app, Homebrew Sorter! This mod is a big one!

It has a new GUI, way better looking than the original Homebrew Sorter. One major feature of this app, is that it recognizes CAT_ folders if you have Game Categories installed!

You can choose how the CAT_ folders are ordered, and you can change the order of what's in the CAT_ folders aswell!

[Image: HomebrewSorterModB2.png]

[Image: HomebrewSorterModB22.png]


Beta 2:
Ability to change the order of categories
Very small changes in the GUI to add the new function
Visual changes (homebrew / categories) using the L and R buttons

Beta 1:
Compatibility with folders
ms0: / ISO
ms0: / PSP / GAME
ms0: / PSP/GAME340
ms0: / PSP/GAME352
ms0: / PSP/GAME371
ms0: / PSP/GAME380
ms0: / PSP/GAME4XX
ms0: / PSP/GAME5XX
Compatibility with subfolders CAT_ of the above
dded GUI written with oslMOD 1.1.0 mod (good night use but since you can fill out my duties with the OSL mod 1.0.1 and 1.1.0)
Ability to show or not to icon0 of HB (now paragraphs of iso)
Ability to co move the directional buttons up and down and even with the analog.
Possibility to save the new order of the HB (But go .. XD)
Now the date of the file is current, and n most since 2005 (I think or something like that)

i like the look if this. could be handy
very nice interface!
wow nice, i usually sort game icons in pspfiler, but this one is neat, as it recognize cat_* folders, nice
sweet! thanks for posting.. I've been using the original for some time
This is win.
i usually use pspfiler, but this is really nice!! Madwin
Wow, this is a reallly good alternative to PSP Filer.
PSP Filer For the win,

I really like the clean interface & sharp look on this app, but the way you have to sort the homebrew within your CAT_ folders is lame...  Because it shows ALL CAT_ folders contents sorted descending by newest folder modification time. it don't arrange per folder, which it should :/...  

So when you have 230 homebrews on your ms0 to sort with the CAT_ folders now mixed up it is confusing, PSPFIler is easier to sort per CAT_ folder imo. For now at least, hope this app is updated to group & sort per CAT_ folder rather then all combined, for people who have lots of homebrew! :D

Plus this app seams to freeze a lot on my psp ?!
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