Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Japan Twitter is here!
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Yaaay! (=^_^=)
On Twicco, you can create a group account, and members can post messages that will then be distributed to the account's followers. The idea of a community account seems to add a lot to Twitter, especially for people whose normal accounts mix business and personal posts. Businesses could also benefit from using a community to open up a dialogue with their customers. That way, the rest of us don't have to read the ' tech support discussions and feature requests our friends are sending to companies as @replies: they can post them to the company community instead.
Source: http://www.downloadsquad.com/2008/11/10/...npage_tuaw
[Image: twicco_02.gif]

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Here is the link:
cool. now japanese people will also have a shallow, egocentric way to tell people about their lives.
trademark91 Wrote:cool. now japanese people will also have a shallow, egocentric way to tell people about their lives.

trademark91 Wrote:cool. now japanese people will also have a shallow, egocentric way to tell people about their lives.

yerp., truthful quote this is.
trademark91 Wrote:cool. now japanese people will also have a shallow, egocentric way to tell people about their lives.

I lol'd!
why thank you Adore
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