Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Windows XP Mode 7 reaches RTM
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Announced as perhaps the most important "feature" of the operating system Windows 7, XP Mode reached RTM
(Realease To Manufacturing).

For those who are not familiar with the concept (XP Mode), this is a Windows XP SP3 running on a PC with operating system Windows 7, through a virtual machine. Using Windows XP Mode key factors to determine the companies, in particular, to make the transition to Windows 7, with ensuring total compatibility of the software currently used.

Microsoft announced that XP Mode has reached RTM and that will be distributed starting October 22, the same day as Windows 7.

[Image: 2ihv2ah.jpg]

The most important aspect is that, XP Mode will not be able to run on all PCs that can install a Windows 7. It is imperative that the computer will support hardware for virtualization. A verification can be made using the tools provided by Intel and AMD processors, to identify their capabilities.
maybe i should upgrade to 7 from xp...
ew xp rtm has been out to dl for like a week ow im jsut too lazy to post about it or get it
I've used this kinda thing on my Vista for a while.
Some previous software for my school did not work with Vista so I had to emulate XP.
"Hey Marty! Wee've gone back in time!"
"No, doc. It's just old news."

I've had XP mode on my windows 7 since a month ago at least, probably longer. Since I installed RTM W7.
It's been out for so long, I can't even remember when I installed it.

Old news is old, man. Sorry to spoon on your parade.
in slightly unrelated news, i got an email confirming the shipment of my order of windows 7, one the 21st of october, and it's going to take 5-7 days to arrive, bloody assholes
Does anyone have a link for the fabled "windows xp mode"?
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