Endless Paradigm

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ExBu Wrote:
trademark91 Wrote:why not? and im on here all the time... it would be nice to do the little things that mods get to do.

Wee do nothing lol

lol quote fail.

and that's not true... you do some stuff...
you can move threads and things of that nature.
like earlier today. when *someone*Hiding_something moved a thread from my blog to R.I.
and when that one guy was spamming everyone through pm. i noticed it while it was happening, but i couldnt do anything about it.
Young 'un these day, tsk tsk tsk
* Kana drink a small cup of tea.
...crave for power, not knowing it's harms...
In time... you will face the Test.
The Test of Fortitude.
The Test of Resolution.
The Test of Determination.
The Test of Character.
The Test of Will.
The Test of Solidarity.
The Test of Imagination.
The Test of Creativity.
The Test of Skill.
The Test of Strength.
The Test of Courage.
The Test of Foresight.
The Test of Constitution.
The Test of Decisiveness.
The Test of Honesty.
The Test of Intelligence.
The Test of Loyalty.
The Test of Kinship.
The Test of Leadership.
The Test of Diplomacy.
The Test of Wit.
The Test of Resourcefulness.
The Test of Management.
The Test of Organisation.
The Test of Perception.
The Test of Understanding,
The Test of Compassion.
The Test of Mercy.
The Test of Sternness.
The Test of Arms.

So what were wee talking about?
feinicks Wrote:In time... you will face the Test.
The Test of Fortitude.
The Test of Resolution.
The Test of Determination.
The Test of Character.
The Test of Will.
The Test of Solidarity.
The Test of Imagination.
The Test of Creativity.
The Test of Skill.
The Test of Strength.
The Test of Courage.
The Test of Foresight.
The Test of Constitution.
The Test of Decisiveness.
The Test of Honesty.
The Test of Intelligence.
The Test of Loyalty.
The Test of Kinship.
The Test of Leadership.
The Test of Diplomacy.
The Test of Wit.
The Test of Resourcefulness.
The Test of Management.
The Test of Organisation.
The Test of Perception.
The Test of Understanding,
The Test of Compassion.
The Test of Mercy.
The Test of Sternness.
The Test of Arms.

So what were wee talking about?

ExBu Wrote:cake?

Wee were?
^ i got bored of that already. i mean, it used to be cool and all.
Heartless141 Wrote:^ i got bored of that already. i mean, it used to be cool and all.

feinicks Wrote:In time... you will face the Test.
The Test of Fortitude.
The Test of Resolution.
The Test of Determination.
The Test of Character.
The Test of Will.
The Test of Solidarity.
The Test of Imagination.
The Test of Creativity.
The Test of Skill.
The Test of Strength.
The Test of Courage.
The Test of Foresight.
The Test of Constitution.
The Test of Decisiveness.
The Test of Honesty.
The Test of Intelligence.
The Test of Loyalty.
The Test of Kinship.
The Test of Leadership.
The Test of Diplomacy.
The Test of Wit.
The Test of Resourcefulness.
The Test of Management.
The Test of Organisation.
The Test of Perception.
The Test of Understanding,
The Test of Compassion.
The Test of Mercy.
The Test of Sternness.
The Test of Arms.
trademark91 Wrote:THE CAKE IS A LIE!!

The cake is beaten, raped, sliced and fukked through the asshole, now it's just a disgusting 3 year old disease that some sicko's actually still want a piece of ...

cake anyone?
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