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Full Version: Anime Boxset Show Off Thread!!!!
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hecaitomix Wrote:I'm still waiting for the official US release for K-On, up to now, no company licensed it yet. the manga is licensed by yen press, but they don't do anime, so not sure till now which company will pick it up.

next to buy after my Gundam Series are Haruhi, Lucky Star, Rozen Maiden, Shana, Kanon, Love Hina and the likes.

i got season 1 shana at best buy of all places. also found Nana, both seasons, there.
only bluray anime i have i blood the last vampire and advent children complete with the slip case.
which shana you got? I'm looking for the viridian collection set

this is the non-veridian set: http://www.amazon.com/Shana-Box-Set/dp/B...d_sim_d_28
6 disc set

the viridian collection have 7 disc, it has some bonus content
if there is a western release of K-ON! ill buy it lol

until then

i am fine
and damn, the Clannad dual-audio was just announced weeks ago, a week after i bought my copies -_-, they are offering a trade-in program, but meh, I'll just re-purchase them if the english dubbed is great.
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