Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Wallpaper?
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probably the stomach ache, man everyone is in a bad mood tonight lol

my mouse paid the price after CS:S, there was throwing involved. luckily it still works. xD

he may still have the original if he resized it himself, you never know. PM him or wait for him to post here
Yeah I've noticed. :(

And sorry being the possible reason for the mouse throwing. He'll prolly be on the WLM later on.
[Image: K1I0A.png]

No idea where I got it from.

A quick search using TinEye found this. Merry Christmas.
wow tineye, havent seen that before. VERY powerful. good job Xander
that's awesome!

nice find Xander
That is a cool search engine :P
XanderChaos Wrote:[Image: K1I0A.png]

No idea where I got it from.

A quick search using TinEye found this. Merry Christmas.

I did kinda want the blue version but thatnks for finding this one. n.n
Joomla12 Wrote:
XanderChaos Wrote:[Image: K1I0A.png]

No idea where I got it from.

A quick search using TinEye found this. Merry Christmas.

I did kinda want the blue version but thatnks for finding this one. n.n

want me to make a blue version using Xanders' picture? ill have it by this time tomorow
As long as it isn't all pixelated and poo poo....I need it at 1280x800.
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