Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW Interest???
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I think it's time to get things going in the graphix section once again :)

I'd like to get the SOTW going once again, and I'm pretty sure I'd have the time to manage it, but I'd like to know if it's even worth trying.

So, please vote in the poll as to whether or not you would be interested in participating.  If enough people vote YES, then the New SOTW will start next week.

EDIT: well, looks like the decision's been made.  Next monday, New SOTW #1 will begin!
Cuul! Knock-knock
i liek ,that way you show your skillz and after that i can hastle you to make themes.
Personally, I think the Graphics forum has been more than active enough recently.
Senseito7 Wrote:Personally, I think the Graphics forum has been more than active enough recently.

It has, and that's part of the reason I wanted to try to bring back SOTW now :)
i havent done Graphics in awhile...i suck lol xD
I can make an attempt if sotw starts up again
D4RK_HACK3R Wrote:i havent done Graphics in awhile...i suck lol xD

that's why you suck ? If
I'd love it to be back... I have hardy used PS since it stopped!!
Yeh I'd definitley like to start again ;)
but can wee have some good themes cause I dislike freestyle Erk
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