Endless Paradigm

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it'd be awesome if it started, but I doubt I'd participate.
thatd be sick!!
id be in it most of the time. at least once a month for sure.
i had a great time with me and xitherun's battle, this would be even more fun!!
it would be good, but i doubt i would win, rofl
Pulls out secret weapon
I'm ready to win again
I suck balls lol
why are you all so modest?

Honestly it gets exhausting reading you lot "blaaah Im poo poo". Especially you diego >_>
Senseito7 Wrote:why are you all so modest?

Honestly it gets exhausting reading you lot "blaaah Im poo poo". Especially you diego >_>

Honestly at sigs, I do suck.
I tried lately. sucks so hard not even worth keeping on my computer.
I would love it back, especially since I think my Graphics magic is back... Ahaa
diego Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:why are you all so modest?

Honestly it gets exhausting reading you lot "blaaah Im poo poo". Especially you diego >_>

Honestly at sigs, I do suck.
I tried lately. sucks so hard not even worth keeping on my computer.

you won what... 3/4 Battle Royales?
Senseito7 Wrote:
diego Wrote:
Senseito7 Wrote:why are you all so modest?

Honestly it gets exhausting reading you lot "blaaah Im poo poo". Especially you diego >_>

Honestly at sigs, I do suck.
I tried lately. sucks so hard not even worth keeping on my computer.

you won what... 3/4 Battle Royales?

That's the past, haven't made a real sig in ages.  So I guess what I meant is I am ultra-rusty
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