Endless Paradigm

Full Version: What would you do with a 1.1km long gun?
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Well, these guys want to use the $500m gun to launch poo poo into space.
I mean, who wouldn't?  With something which can fire 450kg payloads at 6km/sec (only 1/50,000th speed of light!) it's the perfect way to get rid of unwanted stuff.
Unfortunately, the object needs to be rather cone shaped and may need an additional rocket to actually help get it into orbit, so the dead body you're trying to hide would require something a little more consideration.

break a land speed record ? :D

or skip stones across the pacific

or sink an island

or bore a hole to the center of the earth
lol but space junk is playing havoc with orbiting satellites & shotels, do wee really need more orbiting death traps ? lol
i can use a penis enlarger.
Heartless141 Wrote:i can use a penis enlarger.
Actually, it would hurt more and probably be unsuccessful if you tried.
[Image: the_20big_20guns.jpg]
^ It may work, but only if it were part of a syndicate.  Strapped to 60,000 penises it would possibly make 20,000 women very content(ish), 20,000 men impotent, and 20,000 men very uncomfortable showing their penises anywhere, ever, again.
I would launch a pumpkin
Well me actually think this is very good idea , for what it supose to do. But ohh yeah really expensive , well i guess it been spent a lot more money on other projects...

on topic : what would i do , i would make it a shooting range for highly trained hunters to see if they can hit that pumkin shcmilk would launch , and so on..
They'll probably find a way to utilise it in military warfare one day. Can't make something without considering the militia!
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