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Watch Some of Tony Jaa's movies (The Protector, Ong-bak, Ong-bak 2) his fighting scenes are fudgeing awesome!
Source: YouTube
@exbu, damn that was awesome, but that one would be from thailand. i mostly watch chinese stuffs :p
lol, This one also pretty good.
Its Chinese :p(well there talking Japanese but its a Chinese movie lol)
Source: YouTube
ExBu Wrote:lol, This one also pretty good.
Its Chinese :p(well there talking Japanese but its a Chinese movie lol)
Source: YouTube

awesome movie a film about bruce lee's master.
one thing, i hate all those 1 vs XX people, it always, always end up the main character beat em  all without getting scratched. although the moves looks brutal indeed.

too bad i can't remember any name of the movies I've watched. -.- they were all translated into vietnamese
my mum used to watch allot of Bruce lee when i was little, but i hated the dubbing even when i was 6 ¬¬

apart from a few like house of flying daggers, crouching tiger hidden dragon and kungfu hustle(which is the best), which are not the most violent of films, i barely watch any
ExBu Wrote:Watch Some of Tony Jaa's movies (The Protector, Ong-bak, Ong-bak 2) his fighting scenes are fudgeing awesome!
Source: YouTube

that was amazingly awesome!!
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