Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Yay, it seems the v1.2.3 update was successful :)
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Lol, that update scared me...  For some odd reason, it just wouldn't work...  so I went around backing up tables, and decided to do a complete reinstall, then go around restoring ~50 tables.  Ha, looks like it's working now!

Cool thing - the style bug is now fixed :)  Unfortunately, I'm going to have to revert the icon and bars for all of the styles...  (another good thing - it seems to have gotten rid of the massive templates table - now I have ~5MB more MySQL space :P [this host limits me to 10MB MySQL space])
i almost pwnd the forums you know, it gave me an error that the installer script was still there and unlocked :lmao: so i tried it, but i couldnt find any DB login data on time so i couldnt finish it before dinner :P
also i saw a random youtube video in the top left corner covering spoon just now, in the exploit topic page 2 i think . bug
^^Meh, I knew that it wouldn't let you, because you don't know the DB password XD

Oh, and I didn't bother backing up everything so some stuff has been lost (eg, one member set a public/private event, and now it's lost [meh])

Ge64 Wrote:also i saw a random youtube video in the top left corner covering spoon just now, in the exploit topic page 2 i think . bug
That was the exploit...
no i don't know the db password but i could have filled in my own server and username and pass so it would connect to that. but the logins i had didnt work anymore
Ge64 Wrote:no i don't know the db password but i could have filled in my own server and username and pass so it would connect to that. but the logins i had didnt work anymore
But he has a way around that. He just have to edit config.php on his ftp server and change the database address. It's that simple :)
how bout maxpsprandomly
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